Mathieu Bouvier

Doctor in philosophy of art, Mathieu Bouvier is an associate researcher at the UR Art of images and contemporary art and MUSIDANSE, Dance, gesture and corporeity team, University of Paris 8. Since 2010, his research has as its main place of study the studio of dance, and the numerous professional and educational workshops he shares there with Loïc Touzé, Yasmine Hugonnet, Rémy Héritier, Mylène Benoit, Vincent Dupont, DD Dorvillier, etc.
In 2016 he obtained a doctoral contract from the University of Paris 8 (EDESTA) to carry out a doctoral thesis in art under the co-direction of Catherine Perret (philosophy) and Isabelle Launay (history of dance). In this thesis entitled Les intrigues du geste, for a figural approach to the danced gesture, and defended in 2021 at the Center national de la danse, he develops the theoretical tools allowing us to think about the danced gesture, its production and its reception as a figural intrigue.
In 2016 and 2017, he directed with Loïc Touzé at the Manufacture, Lausanne School of Performing Arts, a research program supported by Irmas and on "the work of the figure" in dance and art. Bringing together around fifteen researchers and artists, this program gave rise to the creation of the website For an atlas of figures, contributory platform for art research. While participating in the review Corps-Objet-Image of the TJP of Strasbourg (2015-2017) he met Alice Godfroy, Jérémy Damian and Julien Bruneau. With Alice Godfroy, he co-pilots the second edition of theImprovisation Summer School in 2022 on the Lérins Islands (Cannes).
In the last chapter of his thesis, he develops a comparative approach to the speculative games developed by Lisa Nelson (Tuning scores) and Loïc Touzé (mantic dances), with regard to the “intrigues of clairvoyance” offered by these artists. He then opens a new perspective to his work, in the direction of performative practices that allow a figural experience of dance through play and trans-individual agencies.
In 2021, he led with Loïc Touzé, the choreographer Myriam Gourfink and the anthropologist of techniques Carole Baudin a fruitful experience as part of an educational innovation project with engineering students from the ARC Ingénierie - Hes school. .So from Neuchatel. This project, titledTechnical body layout made it possible to verify the emancipatory value of the work of corporeality in learning.