Mathilde Papin

Mathilde Papin is a dancer, researcher, translator.
Trained in dance, circus, theater and philosophy, in 2014 she completed a Master 2 in contemporary philosophy, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, under the direction of Renaud Barbaras and Fréderic Pouillaude, entitledTowards a phenomenology of rapid movements (acrobatics). She is now a choreographic artist while having a practice of theoretical and poetic writing. In 2019, she founded the company RIVE with Emma Bigé: in 2020, she created the choreographic piece SEREIN with the musician Rémi Blanes and is currently working on the creation of Three Necklaces, for 2023.
Two encounters are decisive for his artistic and research work. On the one hand, the French choreographer Loïc Touzé: she hybridizes her acting devices in various experimental contexts, and in an article she publishes in 2020 on the site For an atlas of figures , she analyzes them with regard to the philosophy of Raymond Ruyer. On the other, the Austrian choreographer Michael Kliën : she took part in the Rice on Hydra meeting in 2016, performed for him in 2019, studied his work and translated his texts into French. She also met the practices of Joao Fiadeiro and Lisa Nelson during workshops in Europe.
She co-translated with Emma Bigé the latest book by Canadian philosopher Erin Manning, "Always more than one", which will be published at the PUF in January 2024.