Myriam Lefkowitz

The research of choreographic artist Myriam Lefkowitz (born in 1980) focuses on questions of attention and perception, through various immersive devices involving direct relations between spectators and artists. It creates the conditions for an augmented perceptual experience through the use of gaze, touch, walking and liminal states between sleep and wakefulness.
A first workshop involving Myriam Lefkowitz, Mathieu Bouvier and Loïc Touzé took place over 5 days in March 2023 as part of the master's degree, ICI-CCN Montpellier Occitanie. Other experimental situations are possible around the telepathic practices developed with Catalina Insignares(The faculty ) and Simon Ripoll-Hurier (Remote Viewing ).
Study modes
Workshop with Myriam Lefkowitz, Mathieu Bouvier and Loïc Touzé in the Master exercises, ICI-CCN Montpellier Occitanie, March 2023.
Other research-action situations need to be invented.